Clients and Success Cases

Banco Rendimento launches an online exchange platform with digital signature

It will foster agility, security and simplification of foreign exchange contract formalization processes, combined with reduced costs related to control, storage and shipping of papers, in addition to the green economy.

Banco Rendimento logo

Proposed Solution

SaaS (Software como Serviço) Solution for Digital Signature and Workflow through the QualiSign Portal.

Client’s Need

Search for operational efficiency by simplifying processes.

About Banco Rendimento

Founded in 1992, Banco Rendimento concentrates its efforts on the Middle Market, which comprises companies with annual sales of 20 to 240 million Reais. Since 2001, it has been active in the Floating Exchange and Tourism market, considered one of the largest operators in this area. The January 2002 acquisition of Cotação DTVM S.A., the largest tourism exchange distributor in Brazil, with more than 200 thousand registered customers and the partnership with Visa in 2004, with the Visa TravelMoney Card product, intended for international travel, always displayed the direction to grow and solidify in this market.

In 2007, Banco Rendimento was elected by the Conjuntura Econômica Magazine (FGV) as the largest Financial Conglomerate in Brazil, in the Middle Market sector, based on the 2006 results. All of this is part of the consolidation process in the areas in which Grupo Rendimento stands out: that of a commercial bank, with a strong presence in the Middle Market and Floating Exchange sector, as one of the largest operators in this area.

Banco Redimento História de sucesso com a QualiSign


In order to meet the increased volume of foreign exchange transactions, which currently amounts to around 6 thousand operations/month, Banco Rendimento and its IT area identified the need to develop a secure solution that would meet this growth in demand without, however, losing the service quality. Thus, the new technology platform for foreign exchange operations, named Câmbio On-Line, emerged.

It is a platform geared towards self-service for clients, who will close operations more quickly. Developed to meet lower value transactions, whether it be remittance or receipt of amounts from abroad, the solution allows clients to close an exchange transaction, digitally sign the contract and have a foreign currency checking account, all via the internet, available 24/7.

One of the great innovations of this service platform is the electronic process of formalizing the contract, which does not require the physical documentation required in the manual process. Formalization is a requirement imposed by the Central Bank for operations above US$ 3 thousand. Clients will digitally sign the documents with their digital certificate by just clicking on it, thus eliminating the need to submit all the documentation to the bank, explains Gilberto Rodrigues, CIO of Banco Rendimento. "Using a digital signature provides clients with security and agility in closing the transaction, in addition to reducing their costs with paper shipments," the executive comments.

To quickly implement the digital signature solution, a market solution was sought. Several alternatives were analyzed and the option adopted was the QualiSign Portal. A fast service, a reliable solution and a competitive price were the determining variables for choosing the solution. “We deployed it in 30 days. Within this period, we customized the portal so as to maintain the same visual identity as the bank's portal, integrating it with internet banking,” said Rodrigues.

The use of the digital signature also brought other benefits to the bank, such as agility, thus reducing operation time by up to 50%. “By eliminating the foreign exchange contract paper, we decreased expenses with document shipment, signature checking, custody and control, and also started to positively contribute to the sustainability and green economy of our planet,” said Rodrigues.

The deployment, which is being done initially with 1000 tourism agencies, is in progress and has already migrated more than 10% of desk operations to the self-service. The objective is to migrate 90% of these operations, directing the most complex operations to the desk service, as they require a more personalized service.

The challenge now is to migrate these operations as quickly as possible. "We are anticipating that this migration will take place in the next 6 months," says Rodrigues. In order to streamline the migration, the Bank is offering some advantages to these clients, such as a lower rate than the one they would get on the operations desk, added to the acquisition of digital certificates with discounts.

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