Sign & Pay - Services

Service that allows you to make a payment right after signing a contract or other document.

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What does it do?

Sign & Pay integrates the means of payment to the process of formalizing the documents of its platform, giving agility to the financial transfers between the parties, after the formalized agreement.

Give your business more agility by automating payments to signed documents.

What is it for?

It allows a payment step to be inserted into the digital formalization workflow, transferring the amount directly from the debtor's account to the creditor's account, regardless of the bank of both. It can be used in various situations, such as service contracts, contracts with clients, school enrollment, real estate contracts, initial installment or sign of real estate and rents, claims payments, policies, among others.

How does it work?

  1. The Sign & Pay signing process is fast and secure. When choosing a document to sign, the QualiSign platform introduces the new "Sign and Pay" option;
  2. After the last signature of the document, the process for the payment begins, where the payer will be redirected to your bank, so that it authenticates and authorizes the payment.

Sign & Pay

Speed up the receipt of the amounts soon after signing the contract.


Independent panel for viewing, controlling and signing documents made with the Sign & Pay option.

The signature protocol, characteristic of electronically signed documents, gains new information with the amount of the payment made, becoming a payment receipt.

After the signatures of the document the payment is made by transfer via PIX, one of the most used means of payment in Brazil, where the amount is instantly credited to the creditor's account.

Integrate your system with the QualiSign Portal and give more agility and productivity to the formalization and payment process.


Payments for business transactions, such as customer payments, based on contractual terms.

Rent payments, security deposit, condominium fees, and property-related expenses.

Payments of contributions to investment funds and dividends.

Payments of premiums, claims and indemnities.

Payments of medical bills and costs related to health care.

Payments of registration and enrollment fees.

Payments for subscription services, software licenses and hosting services.

Renegotiation of debts with cash payment.

Payments for equipment rental, maintenance and related services.


Automated processes are faster than manual ones, where speed can be critical to closing contracts, agreements, and transactions.

Digital formalization with automatic payment eliminates the need for paper and time-consuming manual processes, saving time and resources.

Digital formalization and automatic payments offer convenience to customers, allowing them to sign documents and make payments quickly and easily.

Automation significantly reduces the risk of human errors, such as incorrect data entry or calculations. This ensures that documents are filled out accurately and that payments are made on the correct date.

Eliminating paper, printing, mailing, and manual tasks saves money on office supplies and labor.

Digital formalization and automatic payments are secure and have tracking capabilities, thus ensuring the security of documents and transactions, as well as creating a detailed record of all activities.

The centralization of documents and payments in digital systems facilitates financial management and control, as well as allowing companies to track the progress of contracts and agreements.

More speed, modernity and security in your company's daily routine.

Higher productivity with reduced costs?

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