Clients and Success Cases

Dasa becomes agile by means of digital and electronic signatures

Digital formalization brought more agility, better control and traceability to contracts.

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Proposed Solution

SaaS Solution (Software as a Service) for Digital Signature and Workflow through the QualiSign Portal.

Client’s Need

Having the formalization of foreign exchange contracts streamjlined and paper issuance reduced.

About Dasa

Dasa is a leader in diagnostic medicine in Brazil, the largest company in the sector in Latin America – operates in Brazil and Argentina – and the 5th largest worldwide, with a focus on clinical analysis, diagnostic imaging and genomic medicine. The company has a team of more than 20 thousand employees and approximately 2 thousand doctors, renowned in Brazil and abroad, who work in a robust and capillarized health care network across the country. Through its more than 40 laboratory brands that have more than 800 units – such as Delboni Auriemo, Lavoisier Diagnósticos, High Excellence Diagnóstica, Salomão Zoppi Diagnósticos, Sérgio Franco, CDPI, Langue, Bronstein, Frischmann, among others – Dasa gives access to 5,000 types of tests and performs more than 250 million exams per year. Considered today as one of the most important Health players, Dasa is in a strategic position to accomplish and speed up the vision of the future and transform health with an aggregating, human, efficient and strongly innovative vision, oriented towards absolutely personalized, individualized medicine and accuracy. Some foundations make its competitive advantage viable: the highly qualified clinical and scientific staff; the use of technology applied to data and its capillarity and management model. In this sense, the company works to create value for the entire chain by fostering smart connections for health.

Dasa História de sucesso com a QualiSign

The Experience

The Diagnostic Medicine market has a great challenge, which requires constant innovation, research and technology to promote predictive medicine with a focus on people's well-being and quality of life. Dasa is a leader in diagnostics in Brazil and the largest company in the sector in Latin America. There are 250 million exams per year, more than 800 service units for collecting samples for clinical analysis and imaging exams, more than 40 brands of laboratories and more than 2,000 doctors that make up the team.

The contract management system was chosen by e-Law and the digital and electronic signature platform was QualiSign. “Integration between platforms was essential for choosing suppliers,” completed Rosangela.

Suppliers and Clients

The deployment of the digital signature began in 2017, covering the formalization of contracts with clients, which in the case of Dasa are health plans and suppliers. “The implementation for suppliers was faster, because we had more control over the situation and we were able to set a deadline for everyone to adapt.


When the contracts were on paper, the formalization process was quite delayed. Once the draft was completed, it took an average period of 45 to 60 days to formalize the contract. The process was briefly like this: printing a draft, validating it in the legal department, signing it at Dasa's board, returning it to the legal department, then submitting the contract to procurement and sending it to the supplier. Thereafter, the supplier would provide the signatures and return the signed copy to the procurement area, which forwards it to the legal department for control and filing.” In the new digital process, once the draft is ready, the deadline for collecting signatures has been set forth between 2 and 10 days, that is, in the worst case, a 78% reduction in formalization time,” commented Sidnei Sousa, Senior Procurement Analyst.

Balancing strategy

Despite the resistance of cultural change from paper to the digital world, suppliers have adapted more quickly. The strategy for implementing the use of digital and electronic signature in contracts was balanced to make the process more agile. Large and medium-sized companies used the digital signature, which requires the use of the digital certificate, now more common in the corporate world.

“As for small companies or service providers, often individuals, they were instructed to sign electronically, that is, using login/password and SMS/Biometrics. In this way, we do not charge small suppliers who did not need to acquire the certificate. The QualiSign's support staff was also very important, assisting and guiding Dasa and its suppliers. It was praiseworthy,” emphasized Sidnei.

Board connected to technology and innovation

With Dasa's directors, the adaptation was very fast. The board already used applications and solutions via smartphone. The requirement made was that the solution adopted would allow digital or electronic signature through mobile devices. With internal areas, at first there was some resistance regarding the acceptance of the technology and mistrust if the new process would work. “That is natural for those who are used to always dealing with paper. As soon as they started using the new process, they recognized the advantages of digital signature and its legal validity,” commented Rosangela.

Contracts control and management

Another very important point was the simplification of contract control. With paper contracts, management was much more complicated. Knowing who has it, which signatures are pending, the document location, not to mention the loss, generated rework and costs to the organization. “Contracts formalized in digital media allow one to exercise control over where they are and who has not yet signed, for example, thus facilitating control and making the process more agile. We are also better able to track down its history and what has been agreed upon,” said Rosangela.


Increased productivity was also recognized by Dasa. As the process became more agile and simpler, the time spent on control was lower. According to Sidnei, “the time spent in controlling the paper contract was 40% of a person's time and increased to 10% in the digital environment. So, there was a 30% productivity gain.”

Evolution and Expanded Use

There are prospects for an increased use by other areas, such as signing contracts with clients and other documents. Innovation is part of our DNA. Despite the resistance against the cultural change from paper to the digital format, the benefits are so overwhelming that we will increasingly be using the digital medium. It is inexorable,” Rosangela concluded.

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